Children decide: A conversation on nutrition

Understanding nutrition Food and food groups Balanced diet Challenges in meeting balanced diet Suggested solutions to meet nutrition needs Yolanda Matemba (Principal HIV/AIDS & Nutrition Officer) and Chikumbutso Munthali (Food & Nutrition Officer) Mpalo, Traditional Authority Chilooka, Malawi

Improved nutrition for child wellbeing

Understanding nutrition Food and food groups Balanced diet Challenges in meeting balanced diet Suggested solutions to meet nutrition needs Felistus Dakamau (Nutritionist-Ministry of Health) and Pauline Pauline Chifike Nyanga, Vuso Jere Traditional Authority, Chambamkuya, Malawi

Lipimbi Children’s Parliament Nutrition Dialogue

Children will deliberate on the issues relating to nutrition and hunger, how it affects education. They will provide drawings of their favorite foods as well as come up with resolutions and recommendations to duty bearers on how issues of hunger and nutrition can be addressed. Charles Percy Gama, Evidence Shaba, Yankho Kandiwo Community Salima, Malawi

Voice of community stakeholders in child hunger and malnutrition

This will be done through conducting focus group discussions where the following will be discussed: They will discuss nutrition issues affecting their communities Come up with solutions how some of the challenges can be mitigated Contributions of different stakeholders in ending child hunger and malnutrition Liny Mwanja, Maternal and Child Health Project Officer, World Vision…

Children voices on nutrition and child hunger in Nanda GVH

During children workshop, the following areas will be covered: Stories and songs to talk about the issues and express through writing. They will also draw and discuss some of their favorite meals and share challenges they are going through Discuss suggested solutions to the challenges Liny Mwanja, Maternal and Child health Project Officer, World Vision…