Impact-plus Youths Involvement in Nutrition at Community Level.

The theme concerns youths’ involvement in nutrition at the community level, especially in their households. Impact—Plus, Youths are involved in entrepreneurship training, advocacy, and community engagements on child protection matters. Therefore, we would like to hear from them about how nutrition issues have been integrated into their work and the challenges and opportunities for community…

Children’s View of Nutrition in School, Day and Boarding

The topic is meant to discuss the views and understanding of children’s dietary issues in both day and boarding schools. Secondly, the group will discuss what kind of food they want available at the school tuck shop and how they can influence the preparations and consumption of nutritious foods at their homes. Furthermore, children will…

The Role of SMAGSs and Neighborhood Health Committees in promoting the consumption of locally produced nutrient dense foods.

The dialogue meeting will focus on the role of SMAGs and NHCs in promoting and supporting the consumption of locally produced nutrient-dense food for breastfeeding mothers and caregivers of children under two. The activity will also discuss the skills necessary for food preparation and feeding practices, including hygiene and sanitation. Furthermore, the dialogue will discuss…