Becoming a Convenor

Everyone interested in improving nutrition is invited to become a Convenor and contribute to this global programme. Convenors adopt an integrated, interdisciplinary, and exploratory approach to identifying actions that enhance nutrition. Nutrition Dialogue Convenors enable the hearing of voices, sharing of views, and discussion of actions needed to improve women’s and children’s nutrition, both by the participants themselves and by others. They will elevate these voices through the official Feedback process on this online Portal.

There are no restrictions to becoming a Convenor for a Stakeholder Dialogue event beyond adhering to the Principles of Engagement. However, those wishing to lead a Children’s Workshop event must adhere to child safeguarding standards and behaviour protocols.

It is important to note that the role of Convenor is a valuable voluntary commitment; individuals either perform it as part of their existing job or generously volunteer their time to make a meaningful impact.

The Initiating partners of the Nutrition Dialogues programme will mobilize Convenors across various localities between July and December 2024. World Vision International invites its country offices to convene Dialogues. Series of briefings will invite other organizations and networks to mobilize Convenors. Efforts to engage the public will also be made, encouraging unaffiliated local leaders to convene a Stakeholder Dialogue or a Children’s Workshop.


Read the Reference Manual

Register on this Portal to get started

Principal Tasks

  • Plan, organize and convene the event in line with the Principles of Engagement of the Nutrition Dialogues Programme.
  • Recruit those who will support convening the event
  • Announce the event on this online Portal.
  • Submit the official Feedback Form via this online Portal.
  • Ensure that the Dialogue respects Participant privacy, in accordance with The Chatham House Rule.
  • For Children’s Workshops – Convenors will also need to ensure that all Nutrition Dialogues Child Safeguarding Standards and Behaviour Protocols are followed.


  • Competent and knowledgeable about nutrition and the contribution of good nutrition to societies and futures.
  • Organised and able to manage a small event team and delegate practical and technical aspects to team members.