Stakeholder Dialogues

Stakeholder Dialogues are opportunities for diverse participants to engage in dialogue within a specific stakeholder group (e.g. between women’s groups, or between farmers) or bringing multiple stakeholders together (such as farmers, local businesses, civil society, schools, local authorities, national government, scientists and faith groups). Both specific stakeholder and multi-stakeholder Dialogues explore options for better nutrition in different local contexts. They consider these options from a wide variety of perspectives and prioritise interventions that can support more impactful action.

The standardised approach for Stakeholder Dialogues is designed to help Convenors to ensure that each dialogue event achieves its objectives by:

  • Engaging a diversity of perspectives.
  • Using a tested format.
  • Enabling purposeful and productive discussions.
  • Having a clear focus on priorities for better nutrition.
  • Leading to outcomes that can be systematically incorporated into syntheses.
  • Publishing key messages before the N4G Summit.

A Stakeholder Dialogue event structure typically includes an Opening, Discussion Groups and a Consolidation session.

Convenors can adapt the method to respond to their needs and context, however, the objective should always be meaningful exchanges between all participants that adhere to the Principles of Engagement. To reflect the aspect of non-attribution, Record Keepers should be informed about “Applying the Chatham House Rule” so they do not record peoples names with what is said and Facilitators do not mention names in their report-back.

For more detailed information, read the Reference Manual and Convenor’s Step-by-Step Guide. You can also login to the Portal and visit the Training and Orientation Spaces section of your profile.