Mobilising Action for Nutrition Now

Nutrition Dialogues bring together diverse stakeholders to facilitate meaningful discussion, and exploration of the most urgent and powerful ways to improve nutrition for all.

Much remains to be done if these global nutrition targets are to be met. 2025 is a significant year for nutrition: it is the final year of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, the World Health Organization will renew its global nutrition targets and the Nutrition for Growth Summit (N4G) will take place in Paris in March 2025. Together, these represent a critical opportunity for mobilizing more ambitious and concerted action by governments, donors and civil society.

The groups of people who are most at risk of being malnourished are seldom included in local, national or global discussions about which actions have the greatest impact on women’s and children’s nutrition. World Vision International (WVI) and 4SD Foundation want to ensure that the voices of those at risk are heard by persons with the power to respond. They have together launched a widespread process of engagement in preparation for the N4G Summit and beyond – a programme of Nutrition Dialogues.

The purpose of the Nutrition Dialogues is to increase focus on the challenges of ensuring the good nutrition of women and children in low-income settings, and to elicit their views as well as perspectives of diverse stakeholders on ways to improve this situation, as well as encourage more ambitious, effective and accountable action.

About the Nutrition Dialogues Programme

The Nutrition Dialogues programme is open to anyone who wishes to contribute to the global discourse on people’s nutrition by convening a facilitated dialogue. The Nutrition Dialogues approach fosters open and honest discussion and embraces diverse perspectives that inspire novel ideas and innovative ways of working. A particular objective of the programme is to elevate voices for the Paris Nutrition for Growth Summit in March, 2025.

Participants of Dialogues will focus on their ‘lived experience of being nourished’ and express their views on ’how to reduce levels of malnutrition among women and children in their community’. They will explore priorities for how to improve nutrition outcomes in their localities. Nutrition Dialogues encourage all nutrition stakeholders to be far more ambitious, effective and accountable. The Nutrition Dialogues programme seeks to engage all major groups of nutrition stakeholders, with a particular focus on women, and children and young people.

Stakeholder Dialogues

Stakeholder Dialogues are opportunities for diverse participants to engage in dialogue within a specific stakeholder group (e.g. between women’s groups, or between farmers) or bringing multiple stakeholders together (such as farmers, local businesses, civil society, schools, local authorities, national government, scientists and faith groups). Both specific stakeholder and multi-stakeholder Dialogues explore options for the better nutrition in different local contexts. They consider these options from a wide variety of perspectives and prioritise interventions that can support more impactful action.

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Children’s Workshops

Children and young people (12 to 18 years) meet, talk and exchange ideas around two questions: What are children’s appreciation or understanding of good nourishment? What are children’s ideas for improving nourishment? A Children’s Workshop is often convened by an adult (e.g., community member, schoolteacher, local NGO officer, etc.) although it could also be convened by a young person representing their own constituency. The dedicated method is age-appropriate and sensitive to young people’s needs.

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