Principles of Engagement

The Nutrition Dialogues programme is based on a set of Principles of Engagement for all stakeholders. They help ensure a meaningful process and Dialogue events to play a valuable role in influencing ways to improve nutrition for all.

1. Be committed to improve nutrition for all, especially for women and children

2. Recognise that everyone’s nutritional status has multiple determinants

3. Welcome multistakeholder diversity and inclusivity, including young people

4. Respect different perspectives while nurturing trust among stakeholders

5. Be open to share and learn from others

6. Act with integrity and in an ethical manner

7. Act with a commitment to uphold the equity and rights of all women, men and children

8. Act with urgency

9. Protect Nutrition Dialogue events from the marketing and promotion of any products

Managing Competing Interests

Concerted and coordinated actions from all stakeholder groups in society are needed to address the complex challenge of ending malnutrition. However, bringing diverse groups together in dialogue on nutrition can be a sensitive and complex topic. Careful attention to diversity, creating a trusted space, and ensuring respect among participants are key to the success of the Stakeholder Dialogues method.

Competing interests are to be expected and are therefore important to prepare for. This can include research to understand the social, commercial, and political landscape to identify potential challenges. Whilst Convenors are free to determine their own participant lists, aiming for inclusivity and representation, ensuring that no single interest group dominates the conversation is a valuable part of Stakeholder Dialogues.

Well-briefed and trained Facilitators will also play a critical role in navigating difficult conversations during the Discussion Groups of Dialogue events. For existing guidance on stakeholder engagement, Convenors refer to the SUN Movement Principles of Engagement, the SUN Business Network Principles of Engagement and the N4G 2021 Tokyo Principles of Engagement.